
Metal Gear Survive Announcement: Thoughts

With the recent announcement of Metal Gear Survive (announcement trailer below) there are many people concerned that Konami might be lost at sea. Over the last couple years people always looked at Hideo Kojima for the next ground breaking espionage thriller.

In recent games we have joined Solid Snake, Raiden, and Big Boss on varied adventures, but now the bow of the ship is pointed towards uncharted waters and a ship without Kojima.

What is Metal Gear Survive?

Metal Gear Survive will be Konami’s take on the zombie survival genre. Like most zombie games there will be 4 player co-op. This game is something not many people will be excited about, or will be confused enough to try it out for a couple hours.

We don’t find out much from the trailer, but it does give us somethings to hope for in the future. Right off the bad we get a good look at the type of monsters you will be fighting during your time with the game. In the image below you can see these monsters definitely look like something from a Konami game, even looks like they might have taken some design tips from the Skulls character in MGS V: Phantom Pain.

Continuing on with the look of the overall trailer it does have some amazing high detail graphics that we all expect from the Konami developers. Each character in the trailer has their unique look, which gives more hint towards the co-op feature of the game. There was no actual gameplay footage in the trailer so we will have to patiently wait for more details to be released.

Variety of Weapons?

Some other items I noticed during the trailer was the possibility of variety of weapons while in battle. The most obvious ones shown where the; bow and arrow, and knife on a stick. With the bow it looks like you can craft some different type of arrows to take out multiple targets. In the trailer we see a player shoot an interesting arrow that had a delayed explosion on the arrow.

It would be smart for Konami to continue having a variety of weapons for the player to use. Just like in previous games in the Metal Gear franchise, each encounter might require a different weapon depending on the enemy as well as the different ways a player might approach a situation. So with that in mind, I think It would be awesome if there was a skill tree for the weapons the player can use, and possibly a skill tree for the character as well. This will allow the player to work towards new abilities and allow them to feel like a bad ass while playing.

Unclear What the Future Holds

As for the actual gameplay of Metal Gear Survive there is still very little we know about it. We can only hope that this game will have a story that is driving the gameplay as well as some of the features from Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain. I think having a base building feature in the game will give players a reason to come back to the game. Having something to push the player to play more missions or try and beat another wave of zombies to get that one upgrade that will give their base more protection is the perfect lure for gamers.

These are just some of the topics I found myself thinking about after watching the trailer a couple times in a row. We will have to wait for more details as they are released to the public. Game is slated to be released in 2017, no set date but we will be sure to let you know as this story develops.