
  • Casual And Hardcore Players: A History Of Hatred

    Casual seems like an innocuous enough word outside of gaming. Yet, this C-word can generate more enmity than ‘Newb’ or ‘Hanzo Main’. Even my lip curls when someone uses it as a slur against me. Why does this word have so much weight? Well, that is part of a...
  • Gamers Are Not Antisocial; We Have High Social Standards

    ‘Gamer’ is a word with a tonne of stigma nipping at its heels. I often wonder if my own mother would rather I was addicted to drugs than games. The common complaint I hear is that gaming and gaming culture breeds antisocial behaviours. After all, how will you have...
  • Hatoful Boyfriend

    Hatoful Boyfriend And The Art Of Gaming And Games

    Gaming is always on the receiving end of scorn from society. Most consider it as an activity that only children and man-children engage in. When a game like Hatoful Boyfriend appears and proudly declares you can date pigeons I can see why. Unfortunately, this means many people miss out...
  • Will Pokemon Go Change the Public Opinion of Gamers?

    Everyone is probably sick of hearing about Pokemon Go but indulge me. Here in China, Pokemon Go is unavailable so I can’t sink my teeth into it despite being a Pokemon devotee. Still, my brain can’t help but veer toward the app. Trawling through my Pokemon saturated news feed got me thinking....